MUST READ!!! How To Prevent & Treat Heat Stroke!

Heatstroke, also known as sun stroke, is a severe heat illness with a body temperature greater than 40.6'C because of environmental heat exposure. The term "stroke" in heat stroke does not involve a blockage or hemorrhage of blood flow to the brain.

It is very common nowadays as the climate keeps on changing. Everyone can be a victim of this condition if we are not aware on how to prevent this. We must be very cautious of our body's temperature and our surroundings as well.

Before a heat stroke occurs, people shows signs of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, mental confusion, headaches and weakness; when a person is asleep as it occurs, symptoms may be harder to notice. The person affected may sweat excessively.

Below are the lists of some precautionary measures that we need to take note of to prevent Heatstroke :

1. Wear light, loose-fitting clothes to allow perspiration and cool the body.
2. Drink plenty of cool liquids to replace fluids lost in sweating. Though thirst is not a reliable sign that the person needs fluids. A better indicator is the color of urine. A dark yellow color indicates dehydration.
3. Block out direct sun and other heat sources.
4. Avoid beverages that contains alcohol or caffeine.

Hydration is important in cooling the person. In mild cases, drinking lots of water or isotonic drink is very important to stay hydrated. The body needs to be moved to a cool area and remove the clothing to promote heat loss. Cold compress to the torso, head, neck and groin will help cool the victim.

Immersing a person into a tub of cold water is a widely recognize method of cooling. This method may require the effort of several people and the person should be monitored carefully during the treatment process.

The person's condition should be reassessed and stabilized by trained medical personnel. The person's heart rate and breathing should be monitored, and CPR may be necessary if the person goes into cardiac arrest.

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