Do You Want To Be Healthy? Go NUTS WITH CASHEW NUTS!

It is said that cashew nuts are very good for our body since it is considered to have the lowest fiber nuts and is rich with vitamins and minerals that are essential in our health. It is considered as the worlds healthiest food.

The price of the cashew nuts are a bit expensive compared to other nuts, but the benefits your body can get is more than what you have paid for.

We have list out some of the best benefits that a Cashew Nuts can give to our body, starting from our head, down to our toes.

1. If you are longing for that strong and shiny black hair, look no further, as Cashew Nuts contains copper which are beneficial to scalp damaged and thinning of the hair because it has anti-inflammatory substances.

Strong & Long Shiny Hair

2. Cashew Nuts are rich in magnesium which also aids in the absorption of Calcium, that are popular for the formation of the bones and teeth. Eating generous amounts of cashew nuts help in giving you healthy teeth and gums. It is also best in getting at risk with an osteoporosis.

Healthy Gums and Teeth

3. Do you love your heart? Go Nuts! According to some research, consumption of cashew nuts can help you lower the risk of heart diseases since it is cholesterol-free. It also contains low fat content but rich in protein and fiber which is good for the cardiovascular system.

Anatomy of the Heart

According to , Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease), Cashew nuts contain proanthocyanidins, a class of flavanols that actually starve tumors and prevent cancer cells from dividing. In some studies, it’s been shown that eating 12 cashews a day can reduce your colon cancer risk.
5. The magnesium in nuts especially in cashew nuts can lower your systolic blood pressure reading (the top number, which reflects blood pressure at pumping time) by 3 to 4 points, and your diastolic blood pressure reading (bottom number, which reflects blood pressure at rest) by 2 to 3 points. Magnesium helps keep a lid on blood pressure by balancing levels of sodium and calcium in and around your cells. It also helps arteries chill out and relax.

6. According to some research, you need to avoid nuts if you have gallstone problems. However, the fats that comes from the cashew nuts are said to be unsaturated fats that are healthy and is needed to lower your risks of gallstone diseases. It is even recommended to make the gallbladder function well.

Though it is said that NUTS in general can cause severe allergy, it is best eat in moderation or even consult your doctor first.

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